Our dedication to your satisfaction goes beyond just delivering your order. We provide a range of services designed to make your return process smooth and hassle-free.
To initiate a return or exchange for eligible orders, you can start the process by phone. This applies to unworn products shipped from any location, both within and outside the US. Please contact us at 2614000800 to get started.
Our online return portal simplifies the return process for eligible items valued under $1,000.
Once your order is returned, our Quality Assurance team will inspect the item(s) to confirm they are unworn and verify that all promotional gifts included with the purchase are present before processing your refund.
We offer free resizing of your ring within 60 days of when your purchase is first available for shipment or pickup, including free shipping both ways.
Rings can still be resized for a fee or through your Extend Protection Plan, provided they are within the recommended sizing range. To file a claim for resizing under the Extend Protection Plan, please contact the Extend Customer Care Team via the Extend Claims Portal or call 2614000800.
Comparative purchasing involves buying several items with the intention of keeping only one and returning the rest. To ensure the quality of our products and keep our prices competitive, we do not permit comparative purchasing. If we suspect that an order is placed for comparative purposes, it may be restricted from shipping or returning.